Let's compute some power spectra! For testing convenience, this package includes the Planck 2018 frequency maps, scaled down to $n_{\mathrm{side}} = 256$. These are not exported by default, so you have to call them with PowerSpectra.planck...
names. In this example, we will use the 100 GHz half-mission temperature maps. We also convert from $K_{\mathrm{CMB}}$ to $\mu K_{\mathrm{CMB}}$
using Healpix
using PowerSpectra
using Plots
# retrieve the downgraded planck maps
nside = 256
map1 = 1e6 * PowerSpectra.planck256_map("100", "hm1", "I_STOKES")
map2 = 1e6 * PowerSpectra.planck256_map("100", "hm2", "I_STOKES")
plot(map1, clim=(-200,200))
We don't want things like the Galaxy and point sources getting in the way. Let's load in the scaled-down likelihood masks used in the Planck 2018 cosmological analysis.
mask1 = PowerSpectra.planck256_mask("100", "hm1", :T)
mask2 = PowerSpectra.planck256_mask("100", "hm2", :T)
This mask will be multiplied with our maps to form pseudo-spectra. This removes the Galaxy and the point sources. However, it will bias our estimate of the spectrum, so we'll have to compute a mode-coupling matrix. Let's do that!
- The mode-coupling matrix involves the spherical harmonics of the masks.
- The pseudo-spectrum depends on the spherical harmonics of the masked maps.
- We wrap the spectrum from
in aSpectralVector
in order to tell the package that this vector represents a power spectrum. Also, it makes it 0-indexed. - The important part: we undo the effect of the mask by performing a linear solve.
# compute the cross-spectra of the masked maps
masked_alm_1 = map2alm(map1 * mask1)
masked_alm_2 = map2alm(map2 * mask2)
pCl = SpectralVector(alm2cl(masked_alm_1, masked_alm_2))
# compute the mode coupling matrix
M_TT = mcm(:TT, map2alm(mask1), map2alm(mask2))
# perform a linear solve to undo the effects of mode-coupling
Cl = M_TT \ pCl
768-element SpectralVector{Float64, Vector{Float64}} with indices 0:767:
Now let's plot our spectrum and compare it to the official Planck 2018 bestfit theory. Note that the instrumental beam is also in these maps. This package also provides the Planck beams as a utility function. We plot these in the convenient scaling, $D_{\ell} \equiv \ell(\ell+1) C_{\ell} / 2\pi$.
# get lmax from nyquist frequency
lmax = nside2lmax(nside)
# get the planck instrumental beam and pixel window
Wl = PowerSpectra.planck_beam_Wl("100", "hm1", "100", "hm2", :TT, :TT; lmax=lmax)
pixwinT = SpectralVector(pixwin(nside)[1:(lmax+1)])
# plot our spectra
ell = eachindex(Cl)
prefactor = ell .* (ell .+ 1) ./ (2π)
plot(prefactor .* Cl ./ (Wl .* pixwinT.^2), label="\$D_{\\ell}\$", xlim=(0,2nside) )
# compare it to theory
theory = PowerSpectra.planck_theory_Dl() # returns a Dict of Dl indexed with :TT, :EE, ...
plot!(theory[:TT], label="theory TT")
Looks pretty good!
The other common use of this package is to compute every decoupled cross-spectrum between two IQU maps. This is done with the master
utility function. We read in the 100 GHz half-mission polarization maps and masks. We also convert from $K_{\mathrm{CMB}}$ to $\mu K_{\mathrm{CMB}}$ as before.
using Healpix
using PowerSpectra
using Plots
nside = 256
m₁ = PowerSpectra.planck256_polmap("100", "hm1")
m₂ = PowerSpectra.planck256_polmap("100", "hm2")
maskT₁ = PowerSpectra.planck256_mask("100", "hm1", :T)
maskP₁ = PowerSpectra.planck256_mask("100", "hm1", :P)
maskT₂ = PowerSpectra.planck256_mask("100", "hm2", :T)
maskP₂ = PowerSpectra.planck256_mask("100", "hm2", :P)
# convert to μK
scale!(m₁, 1e6)
scale!(m₂, 1e6)
lmax = nside2lmax(256)
Now we simply call the master
utility function with the polarized map, temperature mask, and polarization mask, for each half-mission.
# utility function for doing TEB mode decoupling
Cl = master(m₁, maskT₁, maskP₁,
m₂, maskT₂, maskP₂)
lmax = nside2lmax(256)
[:TB, :BE, :TT, :EB, :TE, :BT, :EE, :BB, :ET]
Let's compare $D_{\ell}^{TE}$ to the bestfit theory.
spec = :TE
Wl = PowerSpectra.planck_beam_Wl("100", "hm1", "100", "hm2", spec, spec; lmax=lmax)
pixwinT, pixwinP = pixwin(nside; pol=true)
pixwinT = SpectralVector(pixwinT[1:(lmax+1)])
pixwinP = SpectralVector(pixwinP[1:(lmax+1)])
ℓ = eachindex(Wl)
plot( (ℓ.^2 / (2π)) .* Cl[spec] ./ (Wl .* pixwinT .* pixwinP),
label="\$D_{\\ell}\$", xlim=(0,2nside) )
theory = PowerSpectra.planck_theory_Dl()
plot!(theory[spec], label="theory $(spec)")
We also compare the $D_{\ell}^{EE}$ to the bestfit theory.
spec = :EE
Wl = PowerSpectra.planck_beam_Wl("100", "hm1", "100", "hm2", spec, spec; lmax=lmax)
ℓ = eachindex(Wl)
plot( (ℓ.^2 / (2π)) .* Cl[spec] ./ (Wl .* pixwinP.^2),
label="\$D_{\\ell}\$", xlim=(0,2nside) )
theory = PowerSpectra.planck_theory_Dl()
plot!(theory[spec], label="theory $(spec)", ylim=(-10,50))