
PowerSpectra.jl is a package for power spectrum analysis on the sphere. It computes mode-coupling matrices and covariance matrices for T, E, and B-mode spectra, using pseudo-$C_{\ell}$ methods (i.e. Hivon et al. 2002, Efstathiou 2006, Hamimeche and Lewis 2008). It can also compute beam matrices in the QuickPol formalism (Hivon et al. 2017).

This package makes use of a special array type, which provides an indexing convention. We provide an introduction and some examples here.

Convention: SpectralArray and SpectralVector

This package wraps outputs in a custom SpectralArray (based on OffsetArray), which provides arbitrary indexing but by default makes an array 0-indexed. This is useful for manipulating angular spectra, as although Julia's indices start at 1, multipoles start with the monopole $\ell = 0$. The type SpectralVector is an alias for a one-dimensional SpectralArray, i.e., SpectralArray{T,1}.

julia> using PowerSpectra

julia> cl = SpectralVector([1,2,3,4])
4-element SpectralVector{Int64, Vector{Int64}} with indices 0:3:

julia> cl[0]

The SpectralArray has special operations defined on it, for the manipulation and application of mode-coupling matrices. For the majority of tasks, you will want to have $\ell_{\mathrm{min}}=0$, so it's sufficient to just wrap your array without any other arguments, i.e. SpectralArray(A) or SpectralVector(v). For advanced use, take a look at SpectralArray and SpectralVector.